Oslo Opera
1. Camera - NIKON D200, ExposureTime - 1/160 s, Aperture - 6.30, ISO - 200, Focal length - 42.00 mm
GPS information: GPSLatitudeRef - N, GPSLatitude - 59 54.45 0, GPSLongitudeRef - E, GPSLongitude - 10 45.11 0
GPSAltitudeRef - Sea level, GPSAltitude - 9 m,
GPSTimeStamp - 11 11 29.00, GPSDateStamp - 2009:08:20
2. Camera - NIKON D200, ExposureTime - 1/500 s, Aperture - 11, ISO - 200, Focal length - 27.00 mm
GPS information: GPSLatitudeRef - N, GPSLatitude - 59 54.51 0, GPSLongitudeRef - E, GPSLongitude - 10 45.00 0
GPSAltitudeRef - Sea level, GPSAltitude - 6 m
GPSTimeStamp - 11 4 18.00, GPSDateStamp - 2009:08:20
Photoshop CS4 + Topaz filter: Adjust
Fishin' in Oslo fiord
Camera - NIKON D200, ExposureTime - 1/400 s, Aperture - 10, ISO - 125, Focal length - 270.00 mm
GPS information: GPSLatitudeRef - N, GPSLatitude - 59 53.37 0, GPSLongitudeRef - E, GPSLongitude - 10 41.35 0
GPSAltitudeRef - Sea level, GPSAltitude - 5 m
GPSTimeStamp - 9 40 1.00, GPSDateStamp - 2009:08:21
With the house in Oslo fiord
Camera - NIKON D200, ExposureTime - 1/250 s, Aperture - 8, ISO - 100, Focal length - 55.00 mm
GPS information: GPSLatitudeRef - N, GPSLatitude - 59 54.34 0, GPSLongitudeRef - E, GPSLongitude - 10 42.53 0
GPSAltitudeRef - Sea level, GPSAltitude - 0 m
GPSTimeStamp - 15 31 44.00, GPSDateStamp - 2009:08:20
Slottet (Royal Palace), Guard Changing
1. Camera - NIKON D200, ExposureTime - 1/320 s, Aperture - 9, ISO - 320, Focal length - 70.00 mm
2. Camera - NIKON D200, ExposureTime - 1/250 s, Aperture - 8, ISO - 320, Focal length - 110.00 mm
GPS information: GPSLatitudeRef - N, GPSLatitude - 59 55.04 0, GPSLongitudeRef - E, GPSLongitude - 10 43.71 0
GPSAltitudeRef - Sea level, GPSAltitude - 47 m
GPSTimeStamp - 11 42 8.00, GPSDateStamp - 2009:08:21