09 June 2012

"The Gherkin" (Swiss Re Tower) and St Helen’s church

History and modern architecture can be seen every where in London.

Here are "The Gherkin" (Swiss Re Tower) and St Helen’s church.

And some details of this '30 St. Mary Axe' building.

Wall art in London

Walking on the streets of London, I saw a nice way to remove the boredom of the brick walls:

Tough experience in Trafalgar Square

While I was taking photos with some colleagues in Trafalgar Square, I was attacked by a guy (with not too much brains with him). Probably, he thought I was taking photos specially with him.
So, as I was saying he came near by me and hit my camera ! Luckily, I had the my lens "wearing" the lens shade. It was the only damage ! The lens shade broke and was thrown far away and the guy, satisfied by his action went away.
By the way, except my colleagues, nobody around reacted.

Leaving this experience away, let's see something more interesting, the Nelson's Column.

London, The Houses of Parliament

Another place I like to see - from any angle :-), is The Houses of Parliament.
This, is a new  view of it.


08 June 2012

Millenium Bridge

...and yes, the Millennium Bridge, what a sight !...

Umbrellas !

London shapes...

Modern architecture in London, creates an interesting shape collection:

My London obsession...

Each time I go to London, I feel the urge to see again some places...
One of these, is London City Hall - a very interesting building by day ...

 or by night !

...alone , or together with older buldings..